All your expenses
in one app

generator with Smart Receipts!

Trusted by over 500,000 people worldwide

From consultants to individuals to small business owners, Smart Receipts makes receipts and expenses easier
Scan your first receipt in seconds
We give you an edge from the very beginning. Scan and share your receiptsfaster with our app around the world.
Perfect for individuals and businesses
Smart Receipts tracks receipt data and allows you to generate both PDF.Save hours each week
Smart Receipts was designed by a traveling consultant, so it is built for both efficiency and flexibility.AI-powered receipt recognition
All receipts scans can be done automatically.Everyday life made easier with these features
We give you an edge from the very beginning. Scan and share your receiptsfaster with our app around the world.
OCR Scans
OCR Scans
With our AI-powered scanner, all receipts scans can be done automatically.

Generate Professional Reports
With fully customizable PDF, CSV, and ZIP reports, you can create professional reports for both your personal finance tracking and your employer’s needs.Graphs
Tracking your expenses
With fully customizable PDF, CSV, and ZIP reports, you can create professional reports for both your personal finance tracking and your employer’s needs.
